It's an Uphill Climb

It's an Uphill Climb

I live in Utah, in the foothills of the Wasatch Mountain range.  I can't go too far without running into a hill.  Even though an electric bike will help you climb hills, it's always best to follow cycling best practices for climbing those hills. 

Burning Out in a High Gear

Those new to cycling tend to avoid changing gears.  This becomes especially challenging when climbing a steep hill.  When in doubt, gear down. That's why you have so many gears.  Use them!

Gain Without the Pain

It is better to increase your cadence (rate you turn the pedals) in a lower gear, than put excessive strain on your quads as you struggle to climb the hill.  If you find yourself taking slow, strenuous pedals you are going about it the wrong way.  Your legs will feel fatigued much quicker, and you will want to stop riding.


If you have room to maneuver on the road/path and don't have heavy traffic, sometimes all you need is a new angle.  Going straight up a hill isn't always the best.  Winding up a hill can help you reduce the degree of the hill.  

No Shame in Walking

Remember, walking your bike up the hill is an option.  Don't put yourself in danger or burn out your legs trying to be the hero who pedals up a hill that is too steep for you.  You can pedal as far as you can safely and then get off and walk it up the rest of the way.

Remember Your Why

Why are you going up this hill?  Is it the view?  Is it the challenge?  Or do you simply have somewhere to be on the other side of this hill?  Don't forget your why as you pedal up the hill.  It will be worth it.